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Vascular Disease

Your vascular system is your body's network of blood vessels (arteries, veins, and capillaries).


The body uses blood vessels to circulate blood through itself and supply organs. Vascular disease is any abnormal condition of the blood arteries and veins which affect your vascular system.


Problems along this vast network can cause severe disability and possibly may also lead to death.

The most common vascular diseases are:

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Symptoms of a vascular disease may include pain that is caused as a result of interruption of blood flow to a tissue or muscles. If you are experiencing lack of circulation, pain, or heaviness in certain areas, you might be having a vascular problem.

You may also feel numbness, weakness, or a tingling feeling in the affected area. This develops when there is interruption in blood flow to a tissue or muscle.

Some other symptoms of vascular problems may include:

  • Abnormal color changes in the fingertips or toes

  • Ulcers or wounds that do not heal especially on feet

  • Hand problems when in cold temperatures or locations

  • Numbness or tingling of the fingertips or toes

  • Swelling

  • Cool or cold hands and/or feet


To make a diagnosis, your doctor will perform a physical exam and ask about your symptoms and medical history.

Your doctor may do imaging tests and/or blood tests.



Causes of vascular disease may include:

  • Atherosclerosis

  • Embolus/thrombus, a blood vessel may be blocked by an embolus (a tiny mass of debris that moves through the bloodstream) or a thrombus (a blood clot)

  • Inflammation, generally, inflammation of blood vessels is referred to as vasculitis, which includes a range of disorders. Inflammation may lead to narrowing and/or blockage of blood vessels

  • Trauma/injury, trauma or injury involving the blood vessels may lead to inflammation or infection, which can damage the blood vessels and lead to narrowing and/or blockage


Risk Factors


A risk factor is any condition that may increase the chance of developing a disease. It may be a habit or activity, such as smoking, diet, family history, or many other things. Different vascular diseases have different risk factors.

Although these risk factors increase the possibilities of the disease, they do not necessarily cause the disease. Some people with one or more risk factors never develop the disease, while others develop disease even when they have no known risk factors.


Knowing your risk factors to vascular diseases can help to take appropriate actions, including changing behaviors and being clinically monitored by your doctor for the disease.

Risk factors that are associated with vascular diseases include:

  • Diabetes

  • Age, risk of vascular disease increases as you get older

  • Hyperlipidemia (high levels of fats in the blood, such as cholesterol and triglycerides)

  • Smoking

  • High blood pressure

  • Infection or injury that damages the veins

  • Obesity

  • Lack of exercise

  • Sitting or standing still for long periods of time

  • Pregnancy

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