Cardiology is the healthcare field that study and deal to treat heart health problems.
The term Heart Disease is often used to refer to the term cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, chest pain (angina) or stroke.
In other ways cardiovascular disease means heart conditions that include diseased vessels, structural problems, and blood clots.

Symptoms may vary depending on the specific condition. Some conditions may initially cause no symptoms at all.
However, typical symptoms of an underlying cardiovascular issue include:
Pain or pressure in the chest, which may indicate angina
Pain or discomfort in the arms, left shoulder, elbows, jaw, or back
Shortness of breath
Nausea and fatigue
Lightheadedness or dizziness
Cold sweats
Many types of cardiovascular disease (CVD) may occur as a complication of atherosclerosis.
Damage to the circulatory system can also result from diabetes and other health conditions, such as a virus, an inflammatory process such as myocarditis, or a structural problem present from birth (congenital heart disease).
Cardiovascular disease often results from high blood pressure, which produces no symptoms. It is therefore vital that people undergo regular screening for high blood pressure.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for cardiovascular disease (CVD) include:
High blood pressure, or hypertension
Atherosclerosis or blockages in the arteries
Poor sleep hygiene
High blood cholesterol, or hyperlipidemia
High fat, high carbohydrate diet
Physical inactivity
Sleep apnea
Excessive alcohol consumption
Air pollution
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder or other forms of reduced lung function
People with one cardiovascular risk factor often have more. For example, obesity is a risk factor for high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, and type 2 diabetes. A person may have all four conditions at the same time.
Complications of cardiovascular disease include:
Heart failure
Heart infections or cardiomyopathy
Heart attack